Last Wednesday as I was working in the Hanover store trying (and trying and trying) to get the books shelved by category, I overheard this conversation between two girls who were about 12 years old. They were cruising the book department looking at the vast selection of teen reads
First Girl: "WoW! I just paid $10 for that book at Borders!"
Second Girl" "See. I told you they had great books here at great prices" (imagine a bit of a valley girl inflection)
Our price? An amazing $2.98!
These young ladies were standing in front of the rack displaying about 30 titles of what's known as "Chick Lit" - Gossip Girl, The Clique, A List - these series appeal to young women from 12 to 20.
If I didn't know these were customers, I would think Bill McGowan scripted this for a commercial!
The books are great and always changing. Come on in to a Building 19 store and browse - what you save will more than offset the gas expended!
PS The Last Days of Mash mentioned in an earlier blog are no longer in the store.
Please tell me it ain't so... There is a rumor around town that our beloved Building 19 (Pawtucket) is closing down soon to make room for...a bunch of people in blue smocks.....please tell us it ain't so. I used to shop in Swansea and now drive to Pawtucket.
Hi Jerry,
I am a very disappointed customer of Bldg 19. Every time I go to the one on Newport Ave.in Pawtucket, RI, I never find the item on sale - always told sold out. I got your flyer Sunday afternoon, went early Monday and was told that the Oldies CD's sold out on Sunday. When I went looking for a gazebo (frame with canvas and netting) they were sold out and again for men's tops, sold out of size I needed. Just can't win with your store. I end up driving up there for nothing every time. Guaranteed a dealer bought them out which isn't fair. So much for your sales - sorry.
Eleanor M. Monteiro
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