Saturday, August 30, 2008

How Do You Want to Browse?

We are working on a new way to present books in our stores and Bill asked me to "become a customer" and shop our racks and tables.
I thought you could help me with this and let me know how you would like to see books presented in our stores.
What stores do you think do a great job? Where do you always buy a book even if you didn't plan to? What store do you think of when you realize you need a new book?
There are lots of options to consider and I would really like to hear from you!
Help me help us get better....

What would make a difference to you - book shelves, racks, tables, higher, lower, smaller, taller, more books, less books, different books - please take the time to let me know what would make Building 19's book department better!


Unknown said...

Since most of the time a book publisher has likely spent a lot of time capturing the essence of a book in the design of a book's cover I would think that new shipments of books should definitely be displayed with their covers visible. This would probably not apply to reference books which could be displayed with the binding only showing.

And please do NOT display books in bins in an upright position that are jammed into rows where the only way you can view each book is to flip thru them like you were flipping thru CDs in a record store. Several times this has been the case and even if I had the time to flip thru such books I could not do so because the books were jammed together so tightly that I would have had to remove a few books from each row just to be able to flip thru them.

Also, since bookstores like Barnes and Noble and Borders encourage in-store reading then if you had the space you could have a "Building 19" equivalent by having a few dumpy looking chairs in the reading area for your customers' reading pleasure. Or, instead of that you could crossmarket your own products by having some chairs from your furniture section in the area near the book section. Perhaps some book readers will like the chairs so much they may end up buying them!

Finally, you could have a section on your website where readers could submit reviews for some of your latest books and then you could print out a few of them and display them nearby the book section.

The Boss said...

You guys actually put thought into how things are placed? I thought you just threw the stuff onto random tables.

Unknown said...

Hey Guys,,,How about you incorporate the ability to surch your web sit for spicific products.

Linnea said...

Will anyone be making another entry here during 2009?

doe reynolds said...

Hey Jean, I love the books @ Building 19. You Need to come back to Lynn.

Jean The Book Buyer said...

We have made big changes in the Weymouth Book Department by radically changing the book fixtures.
What do you think?
We are making changes in the product mix. Please let me know what you would like to see and your comments on the Weymouth store if you get to drop in.

LC said...

I stop in Wocester every time I come from upstate NY to Mass. I miss you guys since moving to NY. Books...
my husband knows where to find me in the store. I have no issues with the layout there. They are easy to look at & children's section is separated. I'm not a fussy person. I'd rather you keep your prices low instead of all that $ for fancy shelving - anyone interested in books will take the time to look at all you have!I do.

Jean The Book Buyer said...

After spending a morning talking with customers in the book department in two stores, I am surprised at the books they look for in our stores. We seem to have satisfied people who have kids reading voraciously, people who bought a book a year ago and want to know if we have more, people looking for top of the list best sellers as well as for books from authors and chefs who are not so popular. Of course the children's classics like Curious George sell in multiples. There are always two or more customers buying them at any one time.
Yesterday we advertised a book we thought we just couldn't sell and it was asked for specifically in both stores I was in because "I sold it". I learn everyday!