Monday, June 15, 2009

Help! Summer Reading Need Your School's List

Building 19 is committed to having the very best books we can get our hands on for kids and teens.
This is the time of year when the summer reading lists come out. Some kids dreaded them, I always felt such a sense of a new world coming when I looked at that list as a kid. A whole summer to read these books, usually terrific reads. Of course I waited till the last minute, reading other titles. We often went to the library every day and picked out the maximum four books, returning them the next day for four more. Books should always be part of summer fun.
I am trying to buy the books that will be on your student's list or at least books by the authors whose books land on reading lists. If you will email your school's list to me, I will work hard to find those books, no promises that I can find them, but I sure will try.
Send the lists to, thanks!
One year my kids had a "listening" list from the music teacher, that was cool!

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