Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Teacher from CT comes to shop at our stores!

I met a cool lady today in the Weymouth store. When we started talking about the Young Adult books, she let me know she is a teacher in CT who regularly makes the trip to Cranston or Weymouth to buy books for her classroom in Leyard, CT. Yes, the eighth graders she teaches love to read and boy, does she know how to hook them into a good book (she lets the kids know that if their parents have a problem with the content, she will understand if they can't read that book :))
She told me we must be swamped with teachers who live around our stores. We do have a lot of customers who are teachers, but sure could use more.
She was also very excited about the YA audio books we have and bought those as well.
It is so rewarding to have conversations like this with our customers either face to face or online.

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